YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen killed in Abyan infighting among UAE-backed factions

ABYAN, Aug. 19 (YPA) – About four gunmen of UAE-backed armed factions were killed, including a commander, on Sunday in infighting that broke out in Abyan province, south of Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said that Hussein Al-Rabih, commander of the “Security Belt” affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Al-Mahfad district, was killed, along with four of the Security Belt recruits.

The sources affirmed that a number of al-Amaliqa recruits, Giants, were killed during clashes with the STC near “Al-Qouz point located between Mudiyah and Al-Mahfad districts, north of Abyan.

About 16 recruits from the STC’s Security Belt factions were killed in the attack that targeted their gatherings in Wadi Omran area of Mudiyah district last Friday.

The situation in Abyan province is becoming more complicated due to the Saudis obstructing the operations of the pro-Emirati factions in the province, according to accusations issued by leaders and activists in the ranks of the STC.