YEMEN Press Agency

Partly cloudy to cloudy weather prevailed over different Yemeni areas

SANAA, Aug. 15 (YPA) – The National Center of Meteorology and Early Warning expected partly cloudy to cloudy weather, with varying amounts of rain, in different Yemeni areas.

The center said in its weather forecast, the rains may prevail over parts of the provinces of Lahj, Dhalea, Taiz, Ibb, Rayma, Dhamar, Sanaa, Amran, Hajjah, Mahweet and Saada.

It also expected that varying intensity rains may be prevailed over in parts of Mahra, Hadramout, Shabwa, Abyan and Bayda.

The center pointed out that the weather in the coastal areas would be partly cloudy to relatively cloudy, dusty and hot, with maximum temperatures ranging between32-37 degrees Celsius, and the winds will be very strong around the Socotra Archipelago, with a maximum speed of 45 knots and 20-30 knots on the eastern and southern coasts.

It warned drivers of the reduced horizontal visibility due to rainfall and the formation of low clouds on mountain roads, as well as rock collapses.