YEMEN Press Agency

New tribal mediation fails to end fighting between two tribes in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 13 (YPA) – A new tribal mediation tries to stop the fighting between the “Al-Ahmed bin Farid” and “Al-Abu Bakr bin Farid” tribes in the Al-Saeed district of Shabwa Governorate has failed, local sources said.

The mediation announced its withdrawal on Monday evening after reaching dead end ..

Sources confirmed the tribal clashes renewed on Monday evening between the two tribes in Al-Saeed district, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

A tribal source stated that the tribal clashes have intensified and expanded after a temporary halt, noting that the situation in Al-Saeed district has become critical following the assassination attempt on Sheikh Abu Bakr bin Farid Al-Awlaki and the killing of one of his escorts.

The source added that both sides are using medium and heavy weapons during the clashes, while the local authorities and the Emirati-backed STC have yet to take any action.

The source further indicated that the tribal mediation, led by Sheikh Salem bin Nasser Al-Marzouqi, attempted to intervene to end the conflict between the tribes but failed to halt the fighting.

Shabwa Governorate has been experiencing violence and chaos since the appointment of the Emirati-backed Awdh Al-Wizari as  its governor in late 2021.

