YEMEN Press Agency

Senior leader calls to open channels to communicate with Sanaa

SHABWA, Aug. 12 (YPA) – A senior leader in the so-called “Southern Resistance” announced that tribal sheikhs in the southern governorates are moving to open channels of communication with Sanaa-based government, especially Ansarullah.

Salem Abu Zaid Al-Khalifi, the leader and one of the notables of the Shabwa tribes, said in a post on X that provoking the people of the southern provinces by continuing to return the so-called 7/7 gang,”backed by the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh”, would push the sheikhs and leaders of the south to open channels of dialogue with leadership in Sanaa.

He added that the direct agreement with the movement to resolve the southern issue comes as a de facto solution between the men who own the land.

Al-Khalifi confirmed the dialogues and communication channels with some leaders in Ansarullah recognize the right of the southern cause.