YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdul-Malik: Delay in response to Israeli entity is purely tactical

SANAA, Aug. 09 (YPA) – The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, affirmed that the response from the Axis of Resistance to the assassination of Islamic leader Ismail Haniyeh and jihadist leader Fouad Shukr is inevitable.

“The inevitable response to the “Israeli” aggression that targeted fuel tanks at the port of Hodeidah is certain and will come, Allah willing,” Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said in his speech today on the latest developments.

He added, “The delay in the response from the Axis in general, in contrast to the “Israeli” escalation, is purely tactical to ensure the response has a significant impact on the enemy in light of its preparations.”

“The “Israeli” enemy knows the inevitability of the response and that there is no retreat from it, and it is preparing under the supervision of the Americans, with cooperation from the West and some Arab regimes. There is nothing that can divert the decision to respond from threats or pressures,” he elaborated.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik affirmed that the Zionist enemy’s attempts and foolishness to expand the scope of events will serve the Palestinian people, as the enemy’s strategy relied on isolating them and seeking to exterminate them.

He confirmed that the Israeli enemy is in a state of extreme panic and anxiety, and its recent actions reflect its deep fear.

Regarding Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi explained that this week, the Armed Forces carried out operations with 16 ballistic missiles and a drone, notably targeting two American destroyers and downing an “MQ-9” aircraft.

“The number of ships targeted by the Yemeni support front reached 177,” he stated.

