YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of schools in Yemen’s south go on inclusive strike

ADEN, Aug. 07 (YPA) – Hundreds of teachers in the southern provinces of Yemen declared on Monday an inclusive strike at the beginning of the new academic year 2024-2025.

The Southern Teachers Syndicate said in a statement that the strike comes to demand improving teachers’ living and work conditions.

The statement affirmed that the strike would include all schools in the coalition-controlled provinces of Aden, Hadramout, Shabwa, Lahj, Abyan, and Mahra.

It explained that the decision came after the coalition-backed Aden government had failed to respond to teachers’ demands to improve their living and working conditions over the past years.

The Syndicate’s announcement of a strike had caused great concern among parents and educational officials, especially in light of its impact on the educational process, coinciding with the economic collapse and deterioration of the living conditions of citizens in those provinces.