YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia ends STC’s dreams of controlling oil fields in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 06 (YPA) – Hadramout province’s tribes are moving towards tightening their control over the eastern gate with Mahra province, eastern Yemen, within the next two days as part of the escalation steps against the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.

The “Yemeni Press Agency” learned from its sources that the head of the “Hadramout Tribal Alliance,” Amr bin Habrish, who is loyal to Saudi Arabia, decided to establish a second camp for the tribesmen in Al-Mishqas area at the eastern gate of the province with Mahra, after the Al-Hadba camp, in an effort to encircle the oil fields in Hadramout valley.

The sources stated that the arrangements being made by Bin Habrish are in accordance with Saudi directions to limit the UAE’s efforts to control the valley districts through the factions loyal to it. Saudi Arabia is moving, through tribesmen, to deploy the so-called “Dera Al-Watan” factions in the coastal districts and remove the “Barshid Al-Dhali” camp, in addition to demanding the withdrawal of Emirati forces from Al-Rayyan Airport, Al-Dabbah oil port, and other vital installations since 2016.

During the next phase, the tribes are seeking to tighten their grip on the port of Al-Dabbah, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions loyal to the UAE, and where large quantities of crude oil are present in tanks worth millions of dollars, which the tribes considered it the property of the people of Hadramout without being disposed of by the pro-coalition government.

The sources pointed out that during the past two days tribal militants set up checkpoints on the main roads leading to the oil sites and prevented the passage of oil tankers towards the rest of the provinces.