YEMEN Press Agency

Leader of Revolution mourns Lebanese-Palestinian people in the martyrdom of Haniyeh, Shukr

SANAA, July 31 (YPA) – Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, mourned on Wednesday the people of Lebanon and Palestine in the martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, and the senior commander Fuad Shukr.

In the obituary statement, the leader al-Houthi affirmed that the Israeli enemy, by targeting the great Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, will not achieve any of its hopes of breaking the resistance and extinguishing the jihadist spirit in Palestine and all supportive fronts. The criminal enemy has been involved in targeting the leader to move the battle to a broader level and greater dimensions, noting that the consequences of which will be dire for the enemy.

“We will spare no effort, God willing, and in cooperation with our brothers in the Axis of Jihad and Resistance, in avenging the martyr and all the other martyrs and for the injustice of the Palestinian people, and in supporting our dear brothers in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people who are being subjected to genocide committed by the Israeli enemy with American participation for ten months,” Sayyed al-Houthi affirmed.

He added: “We also extend our deepest condolences and honest sympathy to the family of the martyred leader Sayyed Fouad Shukr, who passed away on the road to Al Quds, and to Hezbollah, its Secretary-General, and the Lebanese people.

He affirmed the complete support for the brothers and comrades in jihad and supporting Al-Aqsa and Palestine until the promised conquest be achieved.