YEMEN Press Agency

Fatah movement mourns martyrdom of senior leader Ismail Haniyeh

GAZA, July 31 (YPA) – Palestine’s Fatah movement mourned on Wednesday the martyred Palestinian leader, Ismail Haniyeh, who was martyred in a Zionist assassination crime in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

We in the Fatah Intifada Movement mourn to the masses of our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nation the heroic Mujahid leader Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh, who ascended as a result of a cowardly air strike carried out by the Zionist enemy,” the movement said in a news statement.

The statement confirmed that the assassination has proven once again the occupation’s failure to crush the mighty resistance in the Gaza Strip, which rubbed its army’s nose in the mud and dirt of Gaza in the Al-Aqsa Strom Battle.

It stressed this cowardly operation was a terrorist act and a miserable attempt by the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity to shuffle the cards and search for an alleged, fake victory to present to his audience, noting that all Palestinian leaders are potential martyrs.