YEMEN Press Agency

Iraqi Resistance attacks vital Israeli target in Umm al-Rashrash

BADHDAD, July 21 (YPA) – Iraq’s Islamic Resistance announced on Sunday that it launched an attack against a vital target in the occupied Umm al-Rashrash, known as Eilat, south of occupied Palestine.

In a statement, the resistance affirmed that the the vital Israeli target was attacked with drones.

The statement said the operation came as a continuation of its approach to resisting the occupation and supporting the Palestinian people in Gaza, and also in response to the massacres that the Israeli occupation’s committing in the Strip.

It indicated that it will continued to destroy enemy strongholds at an increasing pace.
This attack came just hours after the Yemeni armed forces announced that it carried out a military operation against a vital target in occupied Umm al-Rashrash, using ballistic missiles.