YEMEN Press Agency

UAE forces plan to create military camps in Hadramout

HADRMOUT, July 17 (YPA) – the UAE forces launch a provocative campaign against tribes in Hadramout province, east of Yemen, by establishing military camps inside the province.

Tribal sources affirmed that Al-Deis Al-Sharqiya district of the province is witnessing armed tensions that explode between members of Hamum tribes and foreign forces.

The sources said the tribes of Al-Hamum and Beit Nimour in Al-Deis area gathered to carry out angry protests to limit the establishment of the UAE-affiliated camp in their area.

Several tribal sheikhs would not allow the establishment of so-called a coastal defense camp for Emirati and American forces on the strategic Ras Ghashwa Mountain, located within the Sharma Nature Reserve on the Arabian Sea.

The sources added that the Ras Ghashwa is considered a natural outlet and reserve for tribes and their families, in addition to the only outlet for fishermen from the district.

Tribes and sheikhs of Hamum are about to attack on the Ras Ghashwa site and to stop work in the camp by force of arms, without any response from the coalition-backed authorities to limit these actions.