YEMEN Press Agency

Spotty rains falling on parts of Yemen provinces expected

SANAA, July 15 (YPA) – The National Center for Meteorology expected scattered rains falling on parts of the Yemeni provinces.

In its weather forecast, the center affirmed that the rains, accompanied by hailstones, may prevail over the provinces of Hajjah, Sanaa, Ibb, Dhamar, Amran, Taiz, Bayda, Dhalea, Saada, Raymah, Mahweet, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwa, and Hadramout.

It also expected scattered rain to fall on parts of the coasts and deserts of Hadramout, Mahra, Shabwa and Jawf.

It pointed out the possibility of very strong winds on the Socotra Archipelago, reaching a maximum speed of 45 knots, and moderate to strong winds on the eastern and southern coasts, ranging its speed between 20-30 knots.

The center warned citizens against being present at the depths of valleys and flood ways, and against thunderstorms in the mountainous highlands where rain be expected.