YEMEN Press Agency

Euro-Med Monitor: Repeated Israeli deadly attacks in Gaza highlight international failure

GAZA, July 15 (YPA) – Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor has affirmed that the international community has failed to halt the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip for the tenth consecutive month.

In a press statement, the human rights organization described the repeated direct and deadly Israeli attacks, the repeated bombing of United Nations facilities, and the mass killing and injury of civilians as “a blatant expression of this international failure.”

It emphasized that “the Security Council and the General Assembly must take urgent action to compel Israel to stop its systematic and widespread military attacks on shelters for displaced persons in the Gaza Strip.”

It continued:  “Israel is systematically violating the principles of distinction, proportionality, and necessity, showing no regard for civilian lives.”

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor called for an emergency session of the UN Security Council to address the consequences of the systematic crimes against civilians in Gaza, including forcibly displaced persons, and to support efforts to hold those responsible accountable.

It further urged the International Criminal Court to expedite the issuance of arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant and to expand the scope of the investigation into individual criminal responsibility for the crimes committed in Gaza to include all those responsible.

