YEMEN Press Agency

Abdulsalam condemns silence of Arab, Islamic regimes regarding Zionist crimes in Gaza

SANAA, July 14 (YPA) – Mohammed Abdulsalam, the head of the Sanaa negotiating delegation, called on Arab and Islamic regimes to act broadly at all levels to stop the Israeli criminal enemy from committing more genocidal crimes against the Palestinian People

Mohammed Abdulsalam said in a post on “X”, “The condemnation is directed at Arab and Islamic regimes, most of which pay no attention to what is happening in Gaza.”

He added, “The absence of a united Arab and Islamic stance does not merely represent negligence, but rather full partnership with enemy and encouragement for him to continue his brutal crimes.”

“Zionist enemy committed massacre in areas that it had previously claimed were safe, in a practice of lying and compensating for its battlefield losses by attacking civilians,” Abdulsalam explained.

He further added: “The absence of a unified Arab and Islamic stance not only represents negligence but also constitutes full partnership with the enemy and encouragement for them to continue their brutal crimes.”

Abdulsalam renewed condemnation and denunciation of genocide committed by Zionist enemy in Gaza, which target displaced civilians.

