YEMEN Press Agency

Thunderstorm causes collapse of 17 high-voltage poles, power outages across Aden

ADEN, July 13 (YPA) – Approximately 17 high-voltage electricity poles have collapsed due to a thunderstorm, which also caused power outages in most areas of Aden, Southern Yemen.

The Aden Electricity Corporation reported that electricity poles collapsed which led to power outages in the Sheikh Othman and Dar Saad areas due to a thunderstorm that hit the city on Friday evening.

The Corporation noted that technical teams succeeded in temporarily restoring power to the Bir Fadhel 33kV line with alternating current, while work continues to address the problems with the second circuit.

According to the sources, the winds caused the collapse of a telecommunications tower and the destruction of a hangar in the central vegetable market in the Mansoura district, north of the city

The storm left significant material damage to citizens’ property.

