YEMEN Press Agency

Three Palestinians, including child, injured by Israeli occupation forces in Hebron raid

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, July 11 (YPA) – At least three Palestinians, including a child, were injured on Thursday during the Israeli occupation forces’ storming of the town of Halhul, north of Hebron.

Palestinian sources said that the occupation forces stormed the town of Halhul and raided a number of Palestinians’ homes, searched them and tampered with their contents, while firing sound bombs and toxic gas, which caused a fire in more than one area in the town, including the archaeological site Ain Al-Dhar.

They added that confrontations erupted between citizens and the occupation forces, who opened fire at them, leading to the injury of a young man, 25, and a minor, 17, with live bullets in the abdomen and limbs.

A third citizen 57 was injured in the head as a result of the occupation forces’ assault on him by beating him with rifles.

