YEMEN Press Agency

UAE is the largest supporter of militias that practice arrests, enforced disappearances in southern Yemen

SANAA, July 08 (YPA) – The UAE is the largest supporter of outlaw armed militias that practice arrests and enforced disappearances in Yemen as part of Abu Dhabi’s suspicious agenda to gain influence and expansion.

“Democracy Now in the Arab World” organization reported on the grim reality of thousands of people in Yemen today who are arbitrarily detained without any legal procedures.

The organization stated that although there are no official, updated statistics on the number of detainees, the systematic nature of these enforced disappearances indicates that thousands of people are being held incommunicado throughout Yemen.

As the conflict continues, arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances have become alarmingly common in the south.

Factions of forces supported by the UAE have forcibly detained people to suppress and eliminate opposition and create fear among the population.

Victims are often political opponents, journalists, citizens, business owners, activists, academics, judges, and ordinary citizens who are perceived as a threat.

For several years, extensive reports from local and international organizations, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the UN Committee of Experts, and the UN Human Rights Council Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen, have documented systematic violations committed by the UAE and its affiliated militias in the south.

These reports illustrate how detainees are often detained without charge, subjected to torture, receiving inadequate medical care, and denied contact with the outside world; some detainees even died under torture.

These violations not only violate Yemeni law but also violate international human rights conventions that Yemen has signed.

Arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances also violate constitutional rights, as Article 48 of the Yemeni Constitution guarantees personal freedom and security. Yemen has also signed several international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides for the protection of individuals from arbitrary arrest and detention.

Rampant violations of these rights have created an environment of fear and impunity where people are afraid to speak out or participate in politics in a country torn by many years of war.

Arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, in particular, mean that families of the disappeared often lose their primary breadwinners, leading to economic hardship and increased vulnerability. Communities are torn apart as individuals disappear without a trace, creating widespread anxiety and insecurity.