TAIZ, July 02 (YPA) – A young man was shot dead by gunmen from factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in the Al-Shamaytain District, south of Taiz province, which is witnessing security chaos due to the absence of state authorities.
Human rights sources reported that two gunmen in the pro-Islah Party factions, “Yaqoub al-Qudsi and Hamdi Ezz al-Din,” opened fire at the young man, Uday Abdullah Shamsan, 20 years old, yesterday, Monday.
Shamsan was going home after performing the Al-Asr prayer in Al-Qahfa village in the city of Al-Turbah, the center of the district, when he was shot by the gunmen and died on the spot, according to the sources.

The sources reported that Shamsan’s mother suffered a sudden stroke, while two of his sisters entered a coma and had a nervous breakdown due to the horror of the incident that occurred in front of everyone.
The so-called “National Union for the Development of the Poorest Groups” described the killing of Shamsan as racism against “black” citizens by authorities loyal to the coalition.