YEMEN Press Agency

Citizen killed by pro-coalition factions fire in Taiz

TAIZ, July 02 (YPA) – A young man was shot dead by gunmen from factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in the Al-Shamaytain District, south of Taiz province, which is witnessing security chaos due to the absence of state authorities.

Human rights sources reported that two gunmen in the pro-Islah Party factions, “Yaqoub al-Qudsi and Hamdi Ezz al-Din,” opened fire at the young man, Uday Abdullah Shamsan, 20 years old, yesterday, Monday.

Shamsan was going home after performing the Al-Asr prayer in Al-Qahfa village in the city of Al-Turbah, the center of the district, when he was shot by the gunmen and died on the spot, according to the sources.

The victim, Uday Abdullah Shamsan

The sources reported that Shamsan’s mother suffered a sudden stroke, while two of his sisters entered a coma and had a nervous breakdown due to the horror of the incident that occurred in front of everyone.

The so-called “National Union for the Development of the Poorest Groups” described the killing of Shamsan as racism against “black” citizens by authorities loyal to the coalition.