YEMEN Press Agency

More than 9,000 Palestinian students, teachers have been killed since October 7

GAZA, July 02 (YPA) – The Palestinian Ministry of Education reported on Tuesday that 8,672 students were killed and 14,583 were injured as a result of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since October 7.

The ministry explained in a statement that the number of students killed in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the aggression reached more than 8,572, and those who were injured reached 14,089, while in the West Bank, 100 students were killed and 494 others were injured, in addition to 349 being arrested.

The statement indicated that 497 teachers and administrators were killed and 3,402 injured in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and more than 109 were arrested in the West Bank.

According to the statement, 353 government schools, universities, university buildings, and 65 belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA) were bombed and vandalized in the Gaza Strip, which led to 139 of them being severely damaged and 93 completely destroyed, while 57 schools in the West Bank were raided and vandalized, and 133 government schools were used as shelter centers in the Gaza Strip.

The ministry confirmed that 620,000 students in the Gaza Strip are still deprived of enrolling in their schools since the start of the war, while most of the students suffer from psychological trauma and face difficult health conditions.