YEMEN Press Agency

Several militants killed, wounded in Shabwa clashes

SHABWA, July 01 (YPA) – A number of militants were killed and wounded on Monday in fierce clashes that broke out in the oil-rich province of Shabwa, east of Yemen.

Local sources said that armed confrontations reputed among the Farid Al-Awaliq tribes in the Al Said district of Shabwa, with various medium and heavy weapons against the backdrop of tribal issues in light of the absence of UAE-funded local authorities since the beginning of 2016.

The sources explained that the Farid tribes had refused to stop the confrontations despite the gathering of the Ali bin Ahmed Al-Awaliq tribes to stop the confrontations, indicating that the armed men entrenched in the mountaintops hindered the arrival of tribal mediations to end the clashes.

Meanwhile, tribal confrontations broke out between the Laqmoush tribes of Jaban district in the same province against the backdrop of tribal revenge.

Local source said various types of weapons were used in the clashes.

This comes with the continuation of fierce fighting between the tribes of Al-Ishaq and Al-Dhaifullah in Osaylan district since last Saturday, which left nearly 4 dead and a number of wounded.

The coalition-held districts of the province are witnessing unprecedented security chaos and tribal conflicts with the support and funding of the Emirati factions against other tribes loyal to Saudi Arabia and the Islah Party.