YEMEN Press Agency

Various cities, capitals in world witness demonstrations in support of Palestine

SANAA, June 29 (YPA) – Thousands of people demonstrated, on Saturday, in many cities and international capitals to denounce the continuation of the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip for the 267th day in a row.

Thousands participated in demonstrations organized in the Swedish city of Malmo, Manchester, Birmingham and London in Britain, Esbjerg and Esbjerg in Denmark, and the capital Copenhagen, in support of the Palestinian people, and to demand a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Participants in the demonstrations raised Palestinian flags and banners denouncing the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

The participants called for an end to double standards, and the need to prosecute the occupation for its massacres against the Palestinian people, especially children, and they condemned the genocide in the Gaza Strip.