YEMEN Press Agency

Belgian police ends protest in support of Palestinian case

SANAA, June 26 (YPA) – Belgian police in Brussels forcibly ended a demonstration in support of the Palestinian case on the campus of ULB University.

Belgian police removed students from the campus of the Free University of Brussels (ULB), when they were in a demonstration in support of Palestine.

According to the official Belgian News Agency (Belga), the protest, which was carried out by students on the ULB campus since May 7, was met with police intervention.

The protest ended with the police intervening, dismantling all the tents and banners and removing the students from them.

It is noteworthy that, at the request of students, the ULB University administration announced on May 28 the suspension of all its academic relations with the Zionist entity until it complies with the decisions of the International Court of Justice.

Students exchanged messages on social media reports that police intervention was harsh.