YEMEN Press Agency

Foreign ships dredge fish wealth off coast of Mocha

TAIZ, June 21 (YPA) -Local sources have reported that foreign ships are engaged in plundering fish resources off the coast of Mocha, west of Taiz Governorate, within Yemen’s territorial waters in the Red Sea.

The sources confirmed that fishermen seen foreign ships indiscriminately dredging fish approximately 20 nautical miles off the Yakhtul area in Mocha district, in front of the eyes of Tariq Saleh’s forces, who are complicit in these dredging operations.

They added that these ships, believed to be Emirati, are using modern equipment and tools in their fishing activities within Yemen’s territorial waters.

Sources quoted fishermen in the districts of Mocha and Khawkhah stating that illegal fishing and systematic destruction of fish resources continue unabated, amid suspicious silence of the so-called “President Leadership  Council” of Leadership” and the coalition-backed government.

These authorities have allowed foreign ships to dredge and plunder Yemeni fish resources and coral reefs, the fishermen said.

According to them, the dredging operations have deprived fishermen of their livelihoods and destroyed fish resources and coral reefs, resulting in the complete depletion of fish populations, hindering their reproduction, and causing environmental devastation in marine ecosystems.

They also noted that Eritrean forces prevent Yemeni fishermen from fishing within Yemen’s territorial waters, arresting them and keeping them hidden for years, confiscating their equipment.

This has exacerbated the suffering of residents in coastal economic districts, forcing many into unemployment after losing their sole source of income.

