YEMEN Press Agency

Armenia officially recognizes State of Palestine

WORLD, June 21 (YPA) – The Republic of Armenia has officially recognized the State of Palestine, raising the number of countries that recognize Palestinian statehood to 149 out of the 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly.

In a statement released today, the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza and the ongoing war as critical issues on the international political agenda that necessitate resolution.

“The Republic of Armenia has joined United Nations General Assembly resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza,” the statement read.

The ministry emphasized Armenia’s pursuit of a peaceful and comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian issue based on a two-state solution as the only way to achieve peace and security.

“Based on the above and reaffirming its commitment to international law and the principles of equality, sovereignty, and peaceful coexistence among nations, the Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine,” the statement concluded.

It is noted that Slovenia, Spain, Norway, and Ireland announced their recognition of the state of Palestine during the past month.

