YEMEN Press Agency

Former UN official declares failure of US-British coalition in Yemen

WORLD, June 21 (YPA) – A former United Nations Under Secretary-General and ex-UN Envoy to Yemen, Jamal Benomar, announced the failure of the US-British coalition to halt Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza.

He pointed out that the coalition underestimated the capabilities of the Yemeni army.

Benomar stated, “The Americans made a fatal mistake by encouraging Saudi Arabia into war with Yemen, and the war’s objectives have not been achieved.”

Benomar emphasized that US and UK efforts to militarize the Red Sea, including the deployment of ships and weapons, would not deter Yemen from supporting the Palestinian cause. On the contrary, he believed such actions would strengthen Yemeni resolve.

Regarding diplomatic efforts between Sana’a and Riyadh, Benomar mentioned that Yemen and Saudi Arabia had previously agreed on a roadmap addressing humanitarian and economic issues. However, recent developments have stalled progress on these discussions.

