YEMEN Press Agency

GMO: 3,500 children are at risk of death due to malnutrition in Gaza

GAZA, June 18 (YPA) – The Government Media Office in Gaza issued a statement on Tuesday, marking the 256th day of continuous aggression on the territory.

The statement emphasized that Israeli authorities and the US administration persist in pushing 2.4 million civilians in Gaza towards famine, enforcing a policy of starvation against children and patients, and dangerously and inhumanely blocking the entry of food and medicine.

This is part of the genocidal war they are waging against civilians in Gaza, the statement read.

The statement further warned that the specter of famine now directly threatens the lives of Palestinians, with a looming increase in deaths due to hunger, especially among children.

It highlighted that 3,500 children are at risk of death due to malnutrition, lack of nutritional supplements, and vaccines that are prohibited from entering Gaza.
