YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas: Israeli occupation practices the ugliest forms of collective punishment in Gaza Strip

GAZA, June 18 (YPA) – The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas”, confirmed that the Nazi occupation government practices the ugliest forms of collective punishment against unarmed civilians in Gaza Strip.

“The Nazi occupation government practices the ugliest forms of collective punishment against unarmed civilians by imposing a tight siege on the Strip, closing crossings, preventing aid convoys from entering, and conducting a systematic strangulation and starvation of more than two million people who lack the most basic necessities of life and are subjected to ongoing brutal massacres,” Hamas said in a statement on Tuesday.

“The chapters of the criminal starvation war waged by the terrorist occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip, continue to unfold. The manifestations of famine and the humanitarian catastrophe, especially in Gaza and the northern governorates, are escalating,” the statement read.

