YEMEN Press Agency

Four US-British airstrikes hit Yemen’s Kamran Island

HODEIDA, June 17 (YPA) – American-British coalition aircraft targeted Kamaran Island, western Yemen, on Monday with four airstrikes, a security source told the Yemen Press Agency.

These attacks come despite the American media revealing an intelligence report that acknowledged the failure of the United States and British forces to protect Israeli ships or those cooperating with the Zionist entity from the Yemeni armed forces attacks in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Indian Ocean.

The report confirmed that the United States lost more than a billion dollars in its raids on Yemen.

In this context, observers believe that the American-British attacks on civilian objects in Yemen are a desperate attempt to stop Yemen from continuing with its decision to prevent Zionist ships from passing through the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in support of the Palestinian people’s resistance in the Gaza Strip.