YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal people block road linking between Abyan, Aden

ABYAN, June 17 (YPA) – The “Al-Jaadna” tribe in Abyan province announced on Monday the blocking of the road linking the province to the city of Aden, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition.

According to a statement issued by the tribe, the blocking of road is against the backdrop of the kidnapping of a member of the tribe, the commander of an air defense battalion in Aden, named Ali Abdullah Ashal Al-Jaadi, by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions at the end of last week and taking him to an unknown destination.

The statement explained that blocking the road is the last option for the tribe’s people after exhausting their official and social efforts to find out the fate of their son, who holds the rank of lieutenant colonel.