YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s Central Bank: Mechanism to compensate citizens in Yemen south amounts over half billion

SANAA, June 14 (YPA) – Sanaa-based Central Bank of Yemen confirmed that the mechanism to compensate citizens with legal currency in the coalition-held provinces has achieved great success since its launch last Saturday.

An official source in the bank said in a statement that the bank received an amount of 504 million and 576 thousand riyals in legal currency from citizens in the coalition-held provinces, and compensated them in real value in illegal currency in the amount of one billion and 727 million 814 thousand riyals.

The source explained, that the compensation points set by the bank at the Al-Rahida Customs Control Center in Taiz and the Afar Customs Control Center in Bayda province.

The source pointing out that the mechanism launched by the bank protected citizens in the from attempts to plunder their savings by the so-called Aden-based central bank.