YEMEN Press Agency

Extended meeting held in Dhalea to re-open more roads

DHALEA, June 14 (YPA) – Sanaa-appointed acting governor of Dhalea, Abdul Latif Al-Shaghdari, met on Thursday with the initiative committees to re-open the “Damt-Maris Qataba” road, as part of the community campaign to open the roads.

During the meeting, Al-Shaghdari reiterated that the road is open on the part of the Sanaa government, indicating that the local authority in the province will be fully prepared to receive any delegations from the people of Dhalea to Damat with open arms.

He called on the other party to rise to the level of responsibility and seek to alleviate the suffering of the people of the province, especially with the advent of Eid Al-Adha.

Al-Shaghdari called on the sheikhs and notables of Moris, Qataba of Dhalea to put pressure on the so-called UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s leadership and coordinate efforts to open the road.