YEMEN Press Agency

STC plunders Nishtun port’s revenues in Mahra

MAHRA, June 12 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) plundered the revenues of Nishtun port in Mahra province.

Local sources said that the authorities in Mahra are seeking to recover about two million dollars that STC withdrew from the Nishtun Port account at the Mahra-based Central Bank.

Director of Nishtun had sent a memorandum to the head of the Arabian Sea Ports Corporation demanding that the coalition-backed Aden government’s Minister of Transport to be obligated to return the amount of the construction of buildings for the port, including an administrative body.

The STC’s plundering of Nishtun port allocations is a new episode in the corruption operations that are plaguing the coalition government amid a feverish race by its forces to plunder state revenues amid a complete collapse of services and local currency.