YEMEN Press Agency

Video: Al-Aghbari carries out spy activities on behalf of US intelligence in Yemen

SANAA, June 11 (YPA) – Amer Al-Aghbari, who was recruited for the American Intelligence Service, admitted on Monday he had been carried out a number of subversive activities since the beginning of his recruitment in 1987.

Al-Aghbari confirmed, in his confessions broadcast by the security media of the Ministry of Interior in Sanaa on Monday, targeting basic education and the agricultural sector in Yemen, explain that the American intelligence recruited him for military monitoring of the Yemeni armed forces in the two parts of the country previously and after Yemeni unity.

He pointed out that American intelligence assigned him to monitor military movements in Dhamar and Amran provinces during 1993, and to plant eavesdropping devices in the home of former Prime Minister Haider Abu Bakr Al-Attas during the same year.

Al-Aghbari touched on a number of confessions he made on behalf of American intelligence in Yemen.