YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa FM condemns genocide war committed in Gaza Nuseirat camp

SANAA, June 09 (YPA) – Sanaa-based Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned on Sunday the continued crimes and genocide war that Zionist entity forces’ committing against Palestinian civilians besieged in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement, the ministry denounced also the Saturday’s heinous massacre committed by the Zionist entity the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing over 150 martyrs and wounding hundreds.

It considered the Nuseirat camp massacre a blatant violation of international law, humanitarian values, and the United Nations Charter, especially the four Geneva Conventions.

The statement warned that Zionist entity of continuing its aggression against the Gaza Strip, which will have serious repercussions on international peace and security, including threatening the security of the systems supporting this entity.

It called on the international community, especially America, Britain and France, as permanent members of the Security Council, to carry out their responsibilities under the United Nations Charter, and to stop their unlimited material, political support for the Zionist entity, noting that this support threatens the international legal system.

The ministry’s statement called also on the Arab governments considering normalization with the Zionist entity in the future to review their position and stand with the demands of their people to find a just solution to the Palestinian issue.

The statement affirmed the firm position made by the Revolutionary Leadership, the Supreme Political Council, its government and the Yemeni people to support the Palestinian people, especially, the Yemeni army forces’ military support by preventing the passage of all Zionist entity-linked ships or those heading to the occupied Palestinian ports until the Israeli military aggression is stopped. the siege is lifted, with allowing humanitarian, food, medicine, and fuel aid to enter the Gaza Strip.