YEMEN Press Agency

New Saudi-backed political component to be established in Aden: Sources

ADEN, June 09 (YPA) – The city of Aden, which is under the Saudi-led coalition in southern Yemen, has been witnessing great preparations to establish the so-called “Southern Salvation Council” with support and funding from Saudi Arabia, informed sources revealed on Saturday.

According to the sources, the new council would be supervised by the Saudi ambassador to the pro-coalition government in Aden, Muhammad Al Jaber.

The move will constitute a strike against the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

The sources explained that the “Salvation Council” includes political cadres and competencies, including civilians, military personnel, and southern activists representing all southern provinces, to limit the policy of exclusion and regionalism in the acquisition of various civil and military positions and jobs.

The sources reported that former President Ali Nasser Muhammad and Haider Al-Attas are among the most prominent candidates for presidency of the council, which includes a number of leaders from the rest of the southern components that were excluded by the “STC,” which was alone in representing the “southern cause” without the rest of the forces and components.

Saudi Arabia is working to attract a number of STC leaders and have them join the new council, including prominent military leaders, the sources added.