YEMEN Press Agency

South Korean activists send balloons carrying propaganda leaflets to north

WORLD, June 06 (YPA) – South Korean activists sent 10 balloons loaded with anti-Kim Jong Un leaflets towards areas in North Korea after Pyongyang sent hundreds of balloons loaded with waste bags to the south.

North Korea claims that the waste balloons were a response to the South Korean activists, warning that it would resume sending them if the South continued its campaign of sending leaflets.

Yonhap News Agency reported that the defector group “Free North Korea Movement” announced on Thursday that it “launched 200,000 leaflets towards North Korea early in the morning.”

Park Sang-hak, a defector who fled North Korea in 2000, said  that his group, Fighters For Free North Korea launched 10 balloons northward carrying 200,000 leaflets, Yonhap News Agency reported

A photograph released by the group showed an activist holding up a large poster with photographs of Kim Jong Un and his sister and chief regime spokeswoman Kim Yo Jong.

“Enemy of the people Kim Jong Jun sent filth and trash to the South Korean people, but we the defectors send truth and love to our fellow North Koreans!” the poster said.

