YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa government supports decisions of Central Bank in Sanaa

SANAA, June 05 (YPA) – The Sanaa government affirmed on Wednesday its support for the decisions taken by the Central Bank in Sanaa to confront the decision announced by the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition and backed by the US administration to pressure banks to relocate their main centers to Aden province.

During its weekly meeting, the Sanaa government condemned the disastrous decision and measures announced by the pro-coalition government in this regard.

The Prime Minister, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, confirmed his government’s support for the decisions issued by the Central Bank of Yemen in the capital, Sanaa.

Dr. bin Habtoor said that the steps taken by the Central Bank in Sanaa are normal procedural steps to address imbalances in the banking market and strengthen the national currency.

He pointed out that his government “will work to tighten the steps so that the coalition’s tools will not be able to tamper with decisions that harm all Yemenis.”