YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa welcomes withdrawal of “Hydra” frigate from Red Sea

SANAA, June 05 (YPA) – The Sanaa government welcomed on Wednesday the decision of the Greek frigate “Hydra” to withdraw from the Red Sea, considering it a step in the right direction.

Deputy Foreign Minister in the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, confirmed that the decision to withdraw the Greek frigate is a step in the right direction that serves the safety of navigation in the Red Sea.

He said in a post on the “X” platform, followed by the “Yemeni Press Agency,” that “As Sanaa welcomes this step; it calls on the rest of the frigates to take the same decision.”

The Deputy Foreign Minister reiterated that protecting navigation in the Red Sea is at the heart of Yemen’s humanitarian and moral tasks, without the need for any provocative presence.