YEMEN Press Agency

Ministry of Transport condemns suspension of flights from Sanaa to Jordan

SANAA, June 05 (YPA) – The Ministry of Transport in the Sanaa government condemned on Wednesday the Saudi-led coalition’s efforts to stop flights to the only destination (Sanaa-Amman-Sanaa) since the beginning of this June.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Ministry of Transport considered the suspension of flights from Sanaa International Airport to Jordan by the tools of the US-Saudi-Emirati coalition “a deliberate criminal act.”

The statement stressed that “the coalition tools did not take into account the humanitarian nature of operating these flights from a humanitarian standpoint and their negative and direct impact on citizens.”

The ministry affirmed that this move represents a pressure card and a barter to serve the American-British-Israeli alliance over the homeland as a result of Yemen’s honorable and supportive position on the Palestinian issue and the Gaza Strip.

The statement urged Yemen Airways, as the national carrier and the property of all the Yemeni people, to quickly schedule the operation of Sanaa-Amman-Sanaa flights and the rest of the destinations and to work impartially and without discrimination or using that for political pressure.