YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition accused of creating crises, causing suffering to citizens in Aden

ADEN, June 03 (YPA) -The city of Aden has been facing a severe electricity crisis as power outages exceeded nine  hours daily.

This situation is occurring amidst the rising summer temperatures. The depletion of fuel has caused the city’s power plants to shut down, exacerbating the suffering of residents and raising fears of an increase in deaths among the elderly and children due to the extreme heat.

The government loyal to Saudi-led coalition continues to procrastinate in importing the necessary fuel to run the power plants, increasing health risks and causing damages that affect the citizens’ interests in various sectors, including health and commercial.

In this context, activists accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of creating economic and service crises in southern and eastern Yemen, pointing out that Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have the capabilities to end the electricity crisis if they had genuine intentions towards the people of Yemen in these provinces.

Activists have shared a video showing citizens praying in one of the city’s mosques in the dark, reflecting the magnitude of the crisis, which coincides with the collapse of the currency and rise of prices of basic goods.

Residents in coalition-held areas accused the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) of collaborating with the Islah and General People’s Congress parties, in monopolizing Aden’s resources.

