YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia plans to deploy forces in Hadramout’s coastal districts

HADRAMOUT, June 03 (YPA) – Saudi Arabia is planning to deploy forces belonging to the so-called Dare al-Watan Forces in the coastal districts of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

Media sources in the province said that a Saudi military delegation discussed on Sunday, with the coalition-affiliated Hadramout governor, Mabkhout bin Madi, a plan to deploy those forces in some coastal districts next to the Emirates-backed armed factions.

A branch of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Seiyun city of the province announced its rejection of the Saudi military movements in the Al-Wadi and Al-Sahel districts, accusing the Saudi measures of serving an agenda hostile to the people of Hadramout, in reference to the Islah Party.

On Sunday, the STC confirmed in a statement that it had rejected the presence of forces that oppose the powers of the “Hadrami elite” funded by the UAE, in order to avoid a state of chaos in the districts of the Al-Sahel districts.

The STC militias considered the presence of pro-Saudi forces a conspiracy to plunge Hadramout into a spiral of conflicts and security chaos.

The UAE rejected the deployment of Saudi-formed Dare al-Watan Forces ( National Forces) in the coastal districts at the beginning of this year.