YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed STC forces kidnap merchant in Aden

ADEN, June 02 (YPA) – The UAE-funded Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces kidnapped on Sunday a merchant in the city of Aden after publishing a video exposing the thugs used by the STC members in the city’s shops.

Human rights sources in the city confirmed that STC gunmen stormed a commercial store, while one of the STC thugs appeared to be imposing taxes on one of the shops in the Crater area.

According to the sources, the gunmen kidnapped the citizen, Salah Muhammad Kalabsh, and took him to an unknown destination.

The sources ridiculed the procedures followed by the STC forces to punish the thug and proceeded to arrest the store owner because he exposed the behavior of its members who violate the rights of citizens and the sanctity of their shops.