YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa sends warning messages to Saudi Arabia, Arab regimes against any involvement in targeting Yemen’s security, economy

SANAA, May 30 (YPA) – The leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, sent warning messages to the Saudi regime against involvement in any aggressive step targeting the Yemeni economy in the service of the American enemy in support of the Israeli entity.

In his weekly speech on Thursday, Sayyed Abdulmalik revealed American steps to pressure banks in Sanaa in support of the Israeli entity.

“The Americans are trying to implicate the Saudis in putting pressure on the banks in Sanaa, which is an aggressive step and a dangerous game,” he said, advising the Saudi regime to be careful not to be trapped by the American side in the service of the Israeli enemy in targeting banks in Sanaa as an aggression in the economic field.

He vowed, saying, “If a Saudi gets involved in serving Israel, he will get into a big problem,” pointing out that the Saudi regime does not need problems.
Sayyed Abdulmalik also warned against some Arab regimes’ steps in support of the Israeli enemy or fighting against Yemen unjustly.

He addressed the Arab regimes, saying that “you must address the Americans so that he can fight on his own as he is more capable and has military capabilities instead of implicating you in the service of the Israeli entity.”

The leader of the Yemeni revolution concluded his speech, stressing that “nothing will ever change the position of our dear Yemeni people on supporting and advocating for the Palestinian people.”