YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Ajri: Sayyed Al-Houthi’s warnings regarding banks must be taken seriously

SANAA, May 30 (YPA) – Member of the Sanaa negotiating delegation, Abdulmalik Al-Ajri, said on Thursday that the warnings of Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi regarding banks in Sanaa must be taken very seriously.

Al-Ajri confirmed in his account on the “X” platform that “Sanaa is ready for all possibilities of escalation.”

In his speech today regarding the latest developments, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi addressed a warning to the Saudi regime against the backdrop of the conspiracy it is running to target banks in Sanaa in the implementation of American pressure. He considered the move “aggressive and a dangerous game that will get the Saudi regime into a big problem.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik said that “Americans are trying to implicate the Saudis in putting pressure on the banks in Sanaa,” pointing out that the pressure on the banks is part of the American steps in support of the Israeli entity.