YEMEN Press Agency

Ahrar Abyan’s angry demonstration demands departure of Saudi-led coalition

ABYAN, May 29 (YPA) – Hundreds of angry protesters took to the streets on Tuesday, in a response to calls by the “Ahrar Abyan” group to denounce significant collapse of local currency in Aden and other southern provinces under control of Saudi-led coalition control.

The “Ahrar Abyan” march started in front of the coalition-aligned local authorities’ building and roamed the streets of Zinjibar, the provincial capital, protesting the deteriorating living conditions of citizens that have reached a critical point due to the collapse of the local currency.

This collapse has affected food prices and deteriorated services, including electricity.

Protesters chanted slogans against corruption, holding the coalition countries “Saudi Arabia and the UAE” fully responsible for the economic and living service collapse.

They demanded the departure of the coalition, the government, and its local tools, accusing them of using hunger as a systematic policy to subdue the people of the southern provinces, according to their statement.