YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal actions reject STC’s presence in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, May 24 (YPA) – There are suspicious moves by the leaders of the “Hadrami Uprising to make a political blow against the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) affiliated in Hadramout province, Sources familiar with the matter said.

The sources confirmed the Hassan Al-Jabri, the leader of the so-called “Hadrami Uprising, has a will to withdraw from the so-called “Southern Charter” of the STC, which was signed in May of last year in the city of Aden.

It reported that Al-Jabri is getting under strong and significant pressures from his popular bases in the province to withdraw from the STC to be with the demands of the people of Hadramout, which are supported by Saudi Arabia.

The sources expected that the withdrawal decision would be announced in the coming days, indicating that the Uprising is witnessing a sharp division in its supporters.