YEMEN Press Agency

Abdulsalam: President Ebrahim Raisi and his comrades were engaged in a battle against American and Israeli arrogance

SANAA, May 23 (YPA) – The Head of the National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, affirmed on Wednesday that the Iranian martyr President Ebrahim Raisi and his comrades were engaged in a battle against American and Israeli arrogance and were concerned with issues beyond Iran, including Palestine and the issues of the oppressed worldwide.

“We conveyed to the Islamic Republic the condolences of Sayyed Abdul-Malik, as well as the condolences of President Mehdi Al-Mashat, the political leadership, and the Yemeni people for their loss in the incident involving the president and his comrades,” Abdulsalam said in a statement to Almasirah TV.

He pointed out that during the presidential term of Sayyed Raeisi, there was a significant shift in international relations and in economic and political support for the free people in the region.