YEMEN Press Agency

American military operation to control strategic sites in Taiz gets failed

TAIZ, May 22 (YPA) – An American military operation to control some strategic sites under the control of Sanaa forces in southwest of Taiz province had failed.

Sources revealed familiar with the matter said the coalition, at American orders, pushed the Salafist factions the so-called Dare al-Watan Forces funded by Saudi Arabia, which included members of Al-Qaeda, to control strategic sites in areas of “Haifan and Al-Airif” during the past two days.

The Salafist elements suffered heavy losses as a result of their attempt to control a strategic location on the Haifan front, after being their believed that Sanaa forces’ missiles and drones targeting Israeli ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea had launched from that front.

The sources added that the coalition leadership seeks to control the strategic mountainous heights under the control of Sanaa forces southwest of Taiz, with the goal of stopping the military threats targeting Israeli and American ships in the Gulf of Aden, Bab al-Mandab, and the Red and Arab Sea.

This comes after the coalition leadership forced the factions of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council to withdraw from the Haifan and Al-Airif fronts, and hand them over to the Dare al-Watan Forces’ factions that deployed in the region last month.

America is pushing extremist Salafist elements into confrontations with Sanaa forces on a number of fronts with the aim of mitigating the military strikes launched on ships heading to the ports of the Israeli occupation, in addition to targeting American and British warships in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Indian Ocean.