YEMEN Press Agency

Death toll from Zionist aggression on Jenin rises to 10

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, May 22 (YPA) – The death toll from the Zionist aggression on Jenin has risen to 10 martyrs, following the martyrdom of a young man who succumbed to his injuries on Wednesday evening.

Media sources reported that Mahmoud Fares Al-Quraini succumbed to his injuries caused by Israeli gunfire in the heart area.

Earlier today, the director of Al-Razi Hospital, Fawaz Hammad, announced that Sami Amin Ahmed Al-Qaisi (18 years old) from Jenin was martyred due to injuries sustained from Israeli gunfire.

Several other Palestinians were wounded by live ammunition, and others were arrested, including a woman.

Today’s morning, the occupation forces carried out raids and search campaigns that affected dozens of homes in the neighborhoods of the camp, detained a number of citizens, assaulted and abused them, tampered with the contents of their homes, wreaked havoc and destruction on them, and subjected a number of young men to field investigation.