YEMEN Press Agency

Southern leader calls on Aden people to celebrate Yemen’s Unity

ADEN, May 21 (YPA) – A senior leader in the so-called UAE-backed Security Belt forces called on the people of the city of Aden to celebrate the 34nd anniversary of Yemen’s Unity Day on May 22, despite the “Southern Transitional Council (STC).”

Former commander of the “Security Belt” in the Crater area, Imam Al-Nubi, called on the people of Aden to preserve and adhere to Yemeni unity and not abandon it.

“The unity is an eternal national anniversary that confirms that the Yemeni people stand united and not divided,” he added.

Al-Noubi pointed out in a statement posted by media outlets loyal to the coalition that Yemeni unity is represented a lifeline for the people of the south from the devastating and conflicts.